GitHub Based Salesforce Development in 8 steps

#8steps #github

here are 8 steps to adopting Git-Based Salesforce Development:

1. Understand Git: First, ensure that you have a basic understanding of Git, including how it works and how to use it. There are many resources available online to help you learn Git, such as the Git documentation and online tutorials.

2. Choose a Git hosting provider: Next, choose a Git hosting provider that integrates with Salesforce, such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket. Consider factors such as cost, ease of use, and features.

3. Create a new Git repository: Once you have chosen a Git hosting provider, create a new repository for your Salesforce project. You can use the provider's web interface or command-line tools to create the repository.

4. Connect Salesforce to GitHub: Connect Salesforce to your Git repository by configuring a webhook or using a Salesforce CI/CD tool like Copado, Gearset or AutoRABIT or Flosum.

5. Create a branch: Create a new branch in your Git repository for each feature or bug fix that you are working on. This will allow you to work on multiple changes simultaneously without interfering with each other.

6. Commit changes: Make changes to your Salesforce project and commit them to your Git repository. It is important to write clear and concise commit messages that describe the changes that you made.

7. Review changes: Review the changes that you made in your Git repository before merging them into the main branch. This will help you catch any mistakes or issues before they become part of the main branch.

8. Merge changes: Finally, merge your changes into the main branch of your Git repository. This will make your changes part of the main Salesforce project and allow others to use and build on your work.

By following these eight steps, you can adopt Git-based Salesforce development and enjoy the many benefits that it offers, such as better collaboration, version control, and code quality.

#github #copado #salesforce #Git #Copado #Gearset #AutoRABIT #Flosum #trailbalzer #copadoWithTarun #copadochampion

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