Identify and Fix Security Risks in Your Org

Now that you're aware of Health Check's capabilities, let's try it out.

  1. Log into your Salesforce org

  2. Go to the Setup page.

  3. In the Quick Find box type Health Check (or scroll down the Setup menu to Security Settings)

  4. Select Health Check.

Each setting has an Edit link next to it that takes you to the page where you can adjust the setting to the standard value. For reference, standard values are listed in Health Check. You can also click the Fix Risks button in Health Check to change all settings to the recommended value at once! Be aware that changing all of these settings at once may affect something unintended like an integration or accidentally remove access for some users — so when adjusting user visibility and access, we recommend testing changes in your sandbox first. In either case, it's best to go through these one at a time

View Security Across Multiple Orgs with Security Center and Optimizer

If you run a Salesforce environment with multiple orgs, you can use the power of Health Check across all of your orgs with Salesforce's Security Center.

Security Center also provides important insights for admins like how many users are logging in with multi-factor authentication (MFA) and which users have admin-level permissions. Salesforce Optimizer also includes some of these capabilities, and is available at no cost in products built on the Salesforce platform.

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